5 Days Residential Workshop of Earth and Bio Energy Vastu

Another amazing and totally knowledgeable workshop, lots of new information shared with hands on practice and site visit.

What was covered –

  • Identification of Geopathic stress & its effect on bio energies.
  • Hands on training using tools on Psychodynamic physical dowsing.
  • Analysis of Earth energies on drawings using paper dowsing.
  • Geo stress mapping on paper and analysis.
  • Understanding the scientific principles of Vedic Vastu Shastra.
  • Science of bio energies.
  • Human energy measurements using H3 Gold Lecher Antenna.
  • Decoding the energetic blockages and solutions.
  • Utilizing the science of environmental energy rectification as solutions to enhance well being.
  • Practical demonstration of Earth Magnetometer, Geo stress meter, Esmog Spion – to measure Earth energies and EMF radiations.
  • Geo stress mapping of Bali project on paper and on site – Discussion with actual video footage.
  • Site Visit – actual installation of remedies on an Industrial site.